Let's team up.

Don't struggle alone...

At STAND Leadership, we specialise in helping leaders get out of their own way.

Competing priorities, client frustration, employee engagement and organisational rigmarole.

It's tough out there.

Staying on target can become troublesome. Together, we ensure you've placed guardrails on your vision and keep laser-focused on tackling critical leadership problems.

We can't be across everything.

Identify your weak areas.

Everyone has blind spots. Let's put some light on them.

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It's in the practice

Leadership is a skill, you can train it

We breakdown your day-to-day, and find several areas that we can improve.

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Have fun with it

It's not all doom and gloom

Leadership is a lonely sport when you're bad at it. Let's get some more tools in your belt.

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We Serve Leaders

How it helps.

"67% of Australian employees are not engaged at work, in fact 13% are actively disengaged." (Gallup, 2021).

58% of American employees report that their leadership is not proactively improving culture.(Zippia, 2023).

38% of Australians are looking to leave thier current employer in the next 12 months (PWC, 2021).

These problems do not lie at the feet of the employee, they lie squarely at the feet of the leader.

Leadership training can prevent disengagement, promote positive working culture and help retain key team members.

We believe that leading by example is the choice leadership style fit for service in the 2020s.

The literature agrees.

We've tried it. It works.

If you're ready, we're here with you.

Ready to go?

Nothing changes if you don't.